ISMIE Landing Pages

Over the past several years I have been working with ISMIE’s Marketing Manager to create several landing pages to promote the companies national growth. This has led to several landing pages promoting our new partnerships with state osteopathic associations.

Contributions: Content flow, wireframes, font-end development in Ektron CMS


The objective in creating these landing pages is to present our companies brand in order to increase business and brand loyalty in efforts with our national growth.



Content flow and Wireframes

When first starting this ongoing series, we had to figure out how we wanted to tell our companies story. Solidifying this story would lead not only to the creation of our first landing page, but also to the creation and evolution of future landing pages.

In order to figure out what flow of content would tell that story I cut out all the different blocks of content and spread them onto a table. I organized all the pieces like a puzzle until the story developed. Most of the content came from print pieces that our marketing team created.

From that flow I then created low-fi sketches and wireframes that included imagery placement to support the content and gave a better representation on how the user would be reading while scrolling down an actual webpage.

Visual Design

Creating lo-fi wireframes helped guide our Designer to then add the design elements to promote our brand. Once the high-fidelity wireframe was complete, we went through an iterative process of approvals with several departments.


Front-end Development - Website and email templates

While the final mockup was being approved I began working on the font-end development of our first landing page with Ektron. By working in parallel on visual design and front-end development, we were able to decrease the amount of the time it took to complete the webpage. Once the webpage was complete, we had to run it through one more round of approvals before deployment.

During the approval processes I also created an email campaign that would be sent out to promote the landing page.

Final Pages

For future pages we made tweaks to the existing content and imagery depending on the stories we were trying to tell for each page. For example, we created several osteopathic association landing pages and evolved each landing page to promote the most relevant information for each partnership.


After creating our first landing page, I learned how important is was to built a positive relationship with our new Marketing Manager. We started having one-on-one meetings to discuss the best ways for us to communicate during these projects. For example, I learned that our Marketing Manager responds better to visuals then verbal explanations. Knowing this cut down of a lot of road blocks during the development process. We were also always in constant communication since there were several parts being completed at once for each page.

The team also learned after our first landing page how long it takes to get approvals after each sprint. Because of this we learned to work in parallel so as not to waste time while waiting for deliverables to be approved.